Gray Ghost In Batman: The Animated Series

Gray Ghost In Batman: The Animated Series

The episode begins with an episode of The Gray Ghost, a television series Bruce watched as a boy. In this detail episode ("The Mad Bomber") a serial of bombings rock the urban center, with a bribe of a meg dollars demanded to forbid future attacks.

Cut to present day Gotham, where a series of bombings stone the city, with a ransom of a million dollars demanded to prevent futurity attacks. Batman realizes that the bombings are the aforementioned as the ones in The Grey Ghost, simply since he cannot call back exactly how they happened (equally he fell comatose earlier the episode was over), he begins to investigate what the connection is.

His attempts to locate the onetime episode fails, as he learns the studio behind information technology burned down in a fire that too destroyed the entire Gray Ghost archive. He instead tracks down the show's main thespian, Simon Trent, who is now a broke recluse who cannot find work since the role typecast him for life. In fact, he's just had to sell off almost all his remaining Gray Ghost memorabilia to toy collector Ted Dymer but to pay the hire.

Batman buys the merchandise and returns it to Trent'southward apartment as a goodwill gesture, along with a notation to meet. When Trent realizes it's the Dark Knight looking for him, he's understandably nervous, merely agrees. No sooner exercise they meet than another bombing strikes Gotham, with Trent taking the opportunity to flee. Batman is non deterred, notwithstanding, and waits for Trent at his flat. Angry at beingness stalked, Trent threatens to phone call the constabulary, but Batman believes Trent knows something about the bombings and convinces him to assistance. Trent reveals he has film reels of all of the quondam testify episodes and reluctantly gives "The Mad Bomber" to Batman, earlier telling him to leave him alone.

Bruce watches the film Trent gave him, with fond memories of watching The Gray Ghost with his father. Watching the "Mad Bomber" episode, he discovers toy RC cars delivered the bombs, something Bruce finds unbelievable. Nonetheless, Batman calls Commissioner Gordon with the data, who positions police and SWAT exterior Gotham Library, the side by side bomb target.

Sure plenty, the toy cars appear. The first one is sniped. Batman takes out the 2nd with a flamethrower, only the third escapes. Batman chases information technology down but finds it was simply a decoy. More flop-cars are sent later Batman, merely someone drops a rope for him to escape: it's Simon Trent, dressed as the Grayness Ghost. Batman shows him the toy car and asks for his assistance in investigating. Intrigued, Trent agrees.

Trent is taken to the Batcave, which leaves him in awe, as it is modeled after the Gray Ghost's lair. Batman had in fact used him equally an influence, and shows Trent the memorabilia he has nerveless in a shrine. The computer picks up fingerprints on the toy machine belonging to Simon Trent, only he denies being involved. Under interrogation he realizes that Ted Dymer, to whom he'd sold some of his toy cars earlier, must exist the Mad Bomber.

Batman confronts the collector. He reveals he turned to law-breaking to fund his toy collecting, and sets more bombs after Batman. Trent smashes through a window and knocks Dymer into a bookshelf, which causes the toy store to catch fire and explode. Batman saves him, before he breaks downwards in front of Batman and Trent over losing his precious toys.

When the incident hits the papers, the Gray Ghost hailed as a hero for profitable Batman in capturing the Mad Bomber. Trent is filled with new purpose at his revitalized image; he also easily over his moving-picture show reels of The Gray Ghost to be published to video, restoring his income and career. At a later signing event, Bruce asks Trent for his shorthand and hints that he is really Batman.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Adam Westing: Adam West plays a done-upwardly actor who tin can't go any decent piece of work considering anybody associates him with his role as the superhero (or rather proto-hero) The Grey Ghost. Turns out that Bats is a huge Greyness Ghost fanboy and it inspired his motif and operations (taking the place of Zorro.) Incidentally, this portrayal was much more sympathetic and slightly less funny than normal simply because it was the prove's way of saying "if that cheesy superhero show didn't exist, this show wouldn't exist." This is fifty-fifty hinted in-universe as his help of Batman led to the Gray Ghost condign popular over again, even with a movie beingness seen in Batman Beyond, which in plow, mirrors the Due west bear witness helping to launch Batman into the greater mainstream where it maintains a very strong following.
    • Supposedly, when he was done with the episode, Paul Dini and Bruce Timm handed Adam (instead of scale wage) a $25,000 check and the original Batman costume — which Paul bought for an "undisclosed sum" at an auction.
    • Likewise of note - according to Give-and-take of God, if they couldn't get West to vocalism the part, that episode would have been scrapped.
  • Ascended Fanboy: As a kid Batman was a big Gray Ghost fan. He was strongly influenced by the show and the character when he created his Dark Knight persona, correct downward to modeling the Batcave afterwards the Gray Ghost lair.
  • Writer Avatar: Ted Dymer is visually based on and voiced by series producer Bruce Timm. The video store clerk resembles Paul Dini, who was quite heavy at the time (information technology is said he was inspired to lose weight after seeing himself caricatured as such on Tiny Toon Adventures).
  • Badass Longcoat: The Grey Ghost costume includes a trench glaze, along with goggles and a fedora.
  • Becoming the Mask: Trent becomes the Gray Ghost for real almost the stop of the episode. Batman is thrilled.
  • Beneath Suspicion: The Hidden Villain Mad Bomber is the young toy collector that bought Simon Trent's Greyness Ghost memorabilia earlier in the episode. When Simon Trent had his "Eureka!" Moment, he cannot believe it:

    Simon Trent: Just I'm not the Mad Bomber, Batman. I'm non! I sold my Grayness Ghost cars months ago to pay for my... No, it tin can't be him.

  • Broken Pedestal: The Gray Ghost was initially simply a character Trent played on an old television bear witness. Once Batman seeks Trent's assist with a case, he finds a tired old human who barely wants to acknowledge always having been the Grey Ghost for all the misery it gave him, and but reluctantly provides the record of the Mad Bomber episode.
    • Rebuilt Pedestal: ...just to swing into activeness once Batmans words inspires him, donning the Grey Ghost costume for real, something he hadn't done even in his glory days. Ironically, he can nearly keep up with Batman himself, despite the historic period difference.
  • …But I Play Ane on Television receiver: An in-universe example: Simon Trent played a Batman-like superhero named the Grayness Ghost in an immensely popular TV show which little Bruce was a big fan of. Decades later, Trent is now facing poverty partly because he cannot get whatsoever roles because everyone still thinks of him equally the Gray Ghost. Then Batman comes along on a case and ropes him in to assist him. Much to his own surprise, Trent makes a passable superhero (and more importantly, learns that the Big Badass Batman was primarily inspired past his portrayal of i). A fairly meta example, when y'all consider the actor voicing Trent is none other than Adam West.
  • Captain Ersatz:
    • The Gray Ghost is inspired past The Shadow, who himself also inspired Batman.
    • The Gray Ghost is too a Captain Ersatz of early DC pulp-hero the Cerise Avenger, who wore a Shadow-like costume. Unfortunately, Batman supplanted him a year or so after his debut.
  • Cassandra Truth: Simon's agent Frankie tells him to hang in in that location as some work will plow up eventually. Turns out he'southward right, although not in a way either of them anticipated.
  • Casting Gag: Simon Trent's character the Gray Ghost is based on Adam Westward'due south function as the campy Batman from the '60s TV serial.
  • Cool Old Guy: Simon Trent, who in turn is voiced by real life Absurd Old Guy Adam W.
  • Crevice Is Cheaper: An in-universe example—Ted Dymer turned to criminal offence to finance his toy-collecting habit.
  • Darker and Edgier: In-Universe: Simon Trent/the Gray Ghost, who is not but less concerned with criminals' welfare than Batman, simply is darker than Adam West's portrayal of Batman.
  • Deadly Remote Command Toy: A terrorist chosen 'The Mad Bomber' uses remote control cars to deliver explosive charges powerful enough to annihilate buildings.
  • Despair Issue Horizon: Trent selling the actual Gray Ghost costume for a pittance, knowing it'southward the concluding time he'll be able to pay his rent at all. Of course, and so Bruce Wayne steps in...
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: The Hidden Villain Mad Bomber is the immature toy collector that bought Simon Trent'southward Gray Ghost memorabilia before in the episode.

    Simon Trent: What did you observe?
    Batman: Fingerprints on the toy auto. And they belong to you, Simon Trent!
    Simon Trent: That's not possible.
    Batman: Your prints are on this car. You had the but re-create of the bear witness. The Mad Bomber followed the show stride past footstep.
    Simon Trent: Merely I'm not the Mad Bomber, Batman. I'1000 non. I sold my Gray Ghost cars months ago to pay for my... No, it can't be him.

  • Early-Bird Cameo: The below Freeze-Frame Bonus takes place two episodes before Hagen makes his official debut in the series.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: For helping to stop the Mad Bomber, Trent is hailed every bit a hero and public interest in the Gray Ghost resurges. This results in the entire serial being released on video, revitalizing his income and career. He'due south too content knowing that his role was an inspiration to Batman.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Simon realizes the toy collector is the Mad Bomber, before Batman no less.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: After Batman accuses Simon of being the Mad Bomber since his fingerprints were on a toy car used in the recent bombings and he had the merely copy of the episode which inspired the attacks, Simon defensively explains to Batman that he sold his toy cars to pay his rent, so realises who'due south really the Mad Bomber.
  • For Desire of a Boom: Batman would take figured out the cause of the explosions much earlier and never would have reached out to Simon Trent if young Bruce didn't autumn comatose before he could see the ending of the episode of The Gray Ghost the villain's plot was based on.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: At the end of the episode, look at the top of the blown-upward People magazine cover when they pan up to show information technology clearly, and you'll see "Matt Hagen: Human of a Thousand Faces" across the top above the People logo.
  • Homage: The plot device of remote-controlled RC car bombs comes from The Dead Puddle.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The episode opens with a grating buzzing audio right before a building explodes. The buzzing is disturbing on its own, and doesn't get whatever better when it's revealed to be coming from a series of radio-controlled cars loaded with munitions-class explosives.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: The toy collector-cum-Mad Bomber is one for Bruce Timm himself, who also voices the character!
  • Jaded Washout: Simon Trent, the typecast player who played the Gray Ghost, years after the show was cancelled.
  • Go along Circulating the Tapes: In-Universe and Exaggerated, as every single known copy of the Gray Ghost serial was destroyed when the studio that filmed the show burned down. It becomes Downplayed when it turns out Simon secretly has the truly remaining copies of the show every bit function of his collection. Information technology then becomes Subverted when he has his copies published for video release.
  • Kill It with Fire: Batman bursts out of the Gotham Library with a flamethrower to destroy 1 of the car bombs.
  • The Knights Who Say "Squee!": Subdued, as is most of Batman's emotion usually, just Batman and Gray Ghost aren't this trope's image for zip.
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-Guided Karma: The Mad Bomber is undone not only by the easily of the Grayness Ghost, the very man who he bought the merchandise from and whose prove was the inspiration for his scheme, but his entire toy store is blown upwardly past his own bombs.
  • Loony Fan: Oddly enough, subverted; although Ted Dymer is something of a self-deprecating joke on behalf of Bruce Timm and the residue of the creative squad, and nonetheless enthusiastically buys Trent'south quondam props despite low customer demand, he's willing to destroy the remaining cars in his scheme. Even despite being inspired by the old bear witness and the toys themselves to re-enact the fictional Mad Bomber's scheme, his goal was never to bring the Gray Ghost out of "retirement" for a fight—he just needed money for his true love of toy collecting. In other words, he's much more loon than fan.
  • Mad Bomber: Played straight. Information technology is even the name of the villain.
  • Meaningful Echo: Invoked. When Trent visits the Batcave, Batman shows him his old Gray Ghost memorabilia and tells him "As a child, I used to watch you with my father. The Grayness Ghost was my hero". Subsequently on, when Bruce meets Trent at the signing issue, he says the same exact phrase, cluing Trent to his identity.
  • Mythology Gag: Batman says the Gray Ghost is the hero he aspired to be as a child. Sure enough, without The Shadow, Batman might non have existed, and without Adam West he might never accept become as popular every bit he is today.
  • Off-Model: The animation studio Dust was used simply for this episode. Information technology'southward obvious that the animators couldn't empathise English, which is particularly noticeable on the notes left by the Mad Bomber - the kickoff notation Gordon receives reads "Pay upwardly or day the consequences", while a flashback mistakenly uses the text from the "existent" Mad Bomber instead of the text from the fictional version (i.east. references to the fictional "Piedmont" read "Gotham" instead). And then at that place's the infamous "rubber Batmobile," which hugs a curve a picayune too closely and bends like something out of Yellow Submarine! Spectrum Animation is credited for the episode, though an Animato Magazine from closer to the production of the episode discusses Grit instead.
  • Old Superhero: Sort of. Trent is merely an onetime role player who played a superhero. Until he takes upwardly the mantle of said hero for real.
  • Pet the Dog: Ted does ask Simon if he's certain he wants to sell the original Grey Ghost costume for what Ted can pay for it.
  • Product Placement: At the cease of the episode, we run into a blowup of a cover of People magazine advertizement the return of the Gray Ghost. People was co-owned with WB at the time by TimeWarner (before they sold off their print stuff in the early 2010s).
  • Psychopathic Manchild: When Batman ruins his attempts at bravado up the Gotham Library, Ted Dymer throws a tantrum more suited to a 4-year old than a grown man. He too cries similar a child when Batman and Trent destroy his toy collection. His obsession with collecting toys is childish and would be harmless, except for the fact that he's willing to commit mass property harm and potential murder to finance it.
  • Rage Against the Reflection: When Trent learns he's just been turned downwardly for a role again, he smashes most of his Gray Ghost memorabilia drove in a rage, earlier collapsing in the corner of his apartment, sobbing.
  • Carmine Herring: The bear witness makes it look like Simon Trent, his agent or the video store managing director are potential suspects.
  • Secret-Keeper: Simon Trent is unsaid to be ane for Batman after Batman tells the Gray Ghost that he was his hero equally a kid and then Bruce Wayne tells him the verbal same affair at a book signing.
  • Shout-Out:
    • While the Gray Ghost is similar to Batman, his advent and style is closer to The Shadow, ane of Batman's chief influences at the time of his cosmos.
    • The Mad Bomber's remote command toy machine explosives are very like to what was used in a scene in The Dead Pool. Like this episode, the film featured a mysterious villain who monitored the cars' movements when attacking the hero.
  • Tempting Fate: The video store owner says he has the episodes of every TV bear witness ever filmed, telling Bruce and Alfred to simply name it. Merely when they say they want the Gray Ghost...

    Video Store Clerk: Name something else.

  • They Await Simply Similar Everyone Else!: The Mad Bomber has the advent of a harmless toy collector.
  • Typecasting: In-Universe: Simon Trent was unable to go whatsoever parts since a lot of people (the ones who even retrieve) all the same run into him as the Grey Ghost. At the end of the episode, things are looking upwards for him when the missing series is now on video. (Later, a Grey Ghost movie marquee appears in the Justice League episode "Epilogue".)
  • Unbuilt Trope: This episode is 1 of the outset cases of Adam Due west engaging in... well, Adam Westing. Merely unlike many subsequently examples of him and other actors doing this, his graphic symbol Simon Trent isn't just self-parody. He'southward a washed-up actor who'due south not happy that people just know him as the Grey Ghost, but who goes through a character arc where he comes to terms with his most iconic office and embraces it.
  • The Unmasking: When Batman shows Trent the Gray Ghost shrine he says, "As a kid, I used to watch you with my begetter. The Grey Ghost was my hero." He says the aforementioned thing as Bruce at an autograph signing, making Trent realize who he is.
  • You Have GOT to Exist Kidding Me!: Bruce'south reaction to the toy cars. He even says these exact words.


Gray Ghost In Batman: The Animated Series

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